Rules for changing spawning based on category
Whether mobs should spawn naturally, or via global spawning logic - Minecraft Wiki
Granular Gamerules lets you enable to disable natural spawning based on 7 categories:
'Natural' non-aquatic mobs such as Pigs, Sheep, Horses, Villagers or Frogs (non-exhaustive).
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/creature
'Unnatural' enemies such as Zombies, Endermen, Endermites, Illagers or Piglins (non-exhaustive).
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/monster
Ambient Mobs
'Decoration' mobs, currently just Bats.
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/ambient
Water Creatures
'Natural' aquatic mobs, currently Squids and Dolphins.
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/waterCreature
Underground Water Creatures
'Natural' aquatic mobs that spawn underground, currently Glow Squids.
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/undergroundWaterCreature
Water Ambient
'Decoration' aquatic mobs, currently the various kinds of fish.
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/waterAmbient
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/axolotls
Trial Spawner Override
By default, when doMobSpawning
is false Trial Spawners are disabled, unlike regular Mob Spawners. Granular Gamerules adds a setting to forcefully enable them.
Command: /gamerule doMobSpawning/forceEnableTrialSpawners
Last updated