Destructive Mob Actions
Last updated
Destructive Mob Actions
Last updated
Whether mobs are allowed to modify the environment in any way.
Whether creature-type mobs are allowed to harvest plants. Currently, this means:
If Foxes can harvest sweet berries and glowberries from bushes and vines,
If Rabbits can eat carrot crops,
If Sheep can eat tall grass or grass blocks. They can still regrow wool if this is false.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/creaturesEatPlants
Whether Creepers will destroy terrain when they explode.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/creepersDestroyBlocks
Whether Endermen are allowed to pick up and place down blocks.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/endermenMoveBlocks
Whether Ender Dragons will destroy non-End terrain. This is defined by the dragon_immune
block tag, but by default is everything except Obsidian, End Stone, Iron Bars and technical blocks.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/enderDragonDestroysBlocks
Whether Evokers are able to 'Wololo' blue sheep and turn them red.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/evokersWololo
Whether Ghast fireballs destroy blocks and ignite surrounding ones.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/ghastsDestroyBlocks
Whether Allays specifically can pick up items, in order to do their automation.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/itemsTakenByAllays
Whether Piglins specifically can pick up items, in order to trade.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/itemsTakenByPiglins
Whether Villagers specifically can pick up items, in order to breed.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/itemsTakenByVillagers
Whether mobs not covered by the above commands can pick up items. This usually means taking equipment or holding in in their hand.
Whether mobs will destroy turtle eggs when stepped on, and whether Zombies will actively seek out eggs in order to destroy them.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/mobsCrushTurtleEggs
Whether mobs trample farmland after falling onto it.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/mobsTrampleFarmland
Whether ravagers destroy leaves and crop blocks when in the same space.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/ravagersDestroyPlants
Whether silverfish are allowed to enter stone blocks, replacing them with infested variants.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/silverfishEnterStone
Whether silverfish wake up nearby silverfish from infested blocks when damaged, destroying the blocks in the process.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/silverfishWakeFriends
Whether Snow Golems will leave trails of snow when moving.
Command: /gamerule snowGolemsLeaveTrails
Whether Villager farmers will harvest and replant crops on farmland.
It's recommended to enable Items Taken by Villagers if this rule is enabled, otherwise Villagers will break crops but not be able to replant them.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/villagersWorkFarmland
Whether Withers destroy blocks via:
Initial large explosion,
Skull projectiles exploding,
Block-breaking move when damaged.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/withersDestroyBlocks
Whether, on Hard difficulty, certain zombies can break down wooden doors.
Command: /gamerule mobGriefing/zombiesBreakDoors