Sapling Replant
No more empty forests
Last updated
No more empty forests
Last updated
JSST will cause decaying saplings try and replant themselves, giving each other space. This allows you to maintain forests easier, or plant your own by 'sprinkling' them about.
Whether this feature should be enabled or not.
Options: true
, false
Default: true
Item tag that counts as a sapling, which will try to get placed.
Options: An item tag.
Default: minecraft:saplings
Radius in blocks that saplings will look for valid ground to plant themselves.
Options: [0, 4]
Default: 2
For large saplings, how far they will look for others of their type to connect to.
Options: [0, 6]
Default: 4
How many blocks to aim for between saplings, in order to make a sparser forest.
Options: [0, 3]
Default: 2
The maximum amount of saplings allowed to be planted from a single dropped stack of saplings.
Options: [1, 16]
Default: 4