⛏️Install Requirements & Integrations

Stuff Chest Tracker works with

Chest Tracker has two required dependencies:

Chest Tracker also has some optional integrations:

  • Mod Menu - To access the config screen from the menu,

  • JEI, REI or EMI - Via Where Is It, to directly search for items from them and to make use of their 'Favourites' panes,

  • WTHIT or Jade - To show items in chests without server-side support,

  • Shulker Box Tooltip - To support ender chest contents without server-side support.

  • Litematica - Quick-search for missing materials, as well as adding the Ender Chest and nearby chests to the material list.

  • General compatibility for:

Finally, Chest Tracker embeds a few mods:

Last updated