Using the Inventory Button
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The inventory button and it's various sub buttons allow you to access the main GUI, as well as customise the memory you're currently looking at.
As a user, you can click and drag the button around in case it's blocked (such as when using Inventory Profiles). By default it'll try to keep away from the edges of the GUI and it's slots, though you can force this by holding [Shift]
If for whatever reason the button becomes inaccessible due to moving it about, you can delete your custom positions in the Chest Tracker config via Mod Menu (under Inventory Button -> Manage Custom Button Positions).
Mod and modpack developers can add their own default positions for screens via a resource pack; for more information see Adding Button Positions.
Chest Tracker by default saves every item in every chest you interact with, but it can also work in Manual Mode, where you manually allow chests to be saved. This is done under Memory Bank settings -> Filtering -> Manual Mode, and you can add containers with the coloured Remember Container sub button.
Containers which already have saved items will automatically be allowed when turning manual mode on.
You can also block containers from being saved when manual mode is turned off - think hoppers from your auto smelter.
This sub-button allows you to rename your containers completely client-sided as an alternative to using an anvil. This allows in-world labels on some servers, although other players won't see what you've named it to.