In-world Labels
Text above chests
Last updated
Text above chests
Last updated
Chest Tracker adds in-world labels when a chest has a name, allowing for an easy visual storage system. These names are sourced in two ways:
When a container is renamed with an anvil, the name is grabbed from the GUI title.
When you rename it on the client with the Inventory Button.
Label rendering works with text enhancement mods - try out Inline or Emojiful.
You can change the size of the in-world labels by changing 'Container Name Text Scale' in Where Is It's config.
You can change how the labels appear under Memory Bank Settings -> Compatibility -> Container Name Rendering:
Full - Always shows labels above chests
Hovered Only - Only show labels when the crosshair is over them
Disabled - Never show labels
Some servers use custom fonts for UI purposes, which cause issues for in-world labels. You can filter the characters used in the name under Memory Bank Settings -> Compatibility -> Container Name Rendering. For more information, see .